+971 04 399 3698   +971 55 6358085


General questions
1. Supply ,installation & warranty certificate for all fire protection equipments (smoke,heat ,emergency ,exit light ,sprinkler ,panel ,sprinkler pipe,fire cable ,fire extinguisher ,fire door,fire rating certificate for wooden works)
2. DCD approved AMC of the building .
3. Interfacing certificate if new panel is installed .
Required Documents for DM:
1. Landlord NOC.
2. DM approved floor plan .
3. Site affection plan.
4. Client trade license .
5. Lease agreement .
Required Drawings for DM:
1. Key Plan .
2. Existing layout .
3. Proposed partition layout .
4. Proposed Furniture .
5. Proposed flooring .
6. Reflected ceiling Plan showing the MEP services.
7. Section showing ceiling height ,slab height & void space.
8. Existing & proposed fire alarm (Smoke & emergency light).
9. Existing & Proposed Fire fighting (sprinkler,fire extinguisher & Fire hose reel).
10. Existing & proposed AC.
11. Proposed Fresh air layout .
12. Proposed Exhaust layout .
13. Roof Layout showing fresh air intake & exhaust discharge .
14. Existing & Proposed Draiange
Dubai Municipality Self Decor:

* Dubai Municipality will exempt shopping centres and small units from obtaining a licence for decoration works. The municipality has also a launched smart self-licence services for big shops.
* Dawood Al Hajiri, director-general of Dubai Municipality, has issued a decree on the development and improvement of the procedures for licensing of decoration works.
* “Dubai Municipality has been keen to streamline and simplify its procedures in line with the government of Dubai’s approach on developing government services and achieving a high quality of life for UAE nationals and residents, in accordance with the Dubai 2021 Plan in general and the municipality’s strategy in particular,” said Al Hajiri.
* He added that shops of any size in the commercial centres and the building units outside the commercial centres of no more than 100 square meters will be allowed to design and execute the decoration works without obtaining a licence from the municipality’s Building Permits Department, whether for commercial, office or investment use.
* However, the work should be compliant with the requirements of the Civil Defence, and should be for an independent rental unit. The decoration work should be done through a contractor approved by the municipality and should abide by the specifications, requirements and provisions of the building and planning legislation in force at the municipality.
* The decoration work should also be within the limits of construction units that are approved according to the licensed plans of the building. The tenant should obtain the approval of the owner of the property to get permission for the decoration work.
* For shops with a total area of more than 100 square meters, it is permissible to get the licence for the decoration works directly from the ‘Dubai Building Licensing System’ without the intervention of the municipality’s engineers. A contractor or engineer approved by the municipality can apply for the service of ‘Self-Licensing of Decoration’ digitally.
Required Documents for DDA Fit-out Permit:
1.Fit-out Permit Request Form (General Work) (In case of applying through customer service center))
2.Contractor Appointment Letter by Tenant
3.Copy of EJARI
4.NOC from Building Owner
5.NOC from relevant Authority
6.Existing and proposed drawings (as per Circular no. 229)

*Dubai Civil Defence Completion Certificate is required prior to obtaining Fit-Out Completion Certificate
*For coring less than 200mm, there should be no impact on any Structural elements such as tendons and should be atleast 1m far from the column
*For adding Structural Elements, Changing the Use or Additional GFA, Requestor to submit for Design Modification Approval request
*If DDA reviewed the submission and found out that it should be Design Modification , then there will be no refund of Fit-Out General fees
*NOC from the main contractor, main consultant and plot owner is required if the building did not obtained a completion certificate yet

*Normal submission: AED 0.90 per ft2 (minimum AED 200) (Maximum AED 10,000)
*Fast track submission: AED 5,000 + normal submission fees
*An additional fees of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction.

*Normal Submission: 3 working days
*Fast track submission: 2 working days
Required Documents for DDA Fit-out Completion Certificate:
1. Fit-out Completion Certificate Request Form (In case of applying through customer service center).
General Fit-out Completion:
2. NOC from tenant to issue the Completion.
3. Tenant license for the unit.
4. Dubai Civil Defence Completion Certificate.
Minor Fit-out Completion:
2. NOC from tenant to issue the Completion.
3. Tenant license for the unit.

* Not applicable

* 3 working days
Required Documents for DDA Night Shift Work Permit:
1. Night Shift Work Permit Request Form (In case of applying through customer service center).
2. NOC from consultant.

* Not applicable

* 3 working days
Required Documents for DDA Consultant/Contractor Replacement:

* Consultant/Contractor Replacement Application Form (In case of applying through customer service center).

Consultant Replacement
* New Consultant Appointment Letter by the owner (In case of applying online)
* Undertaking letter by Consultant

Contractor Replacement
* NOC from old contractor (In case of applying online)
* Appointment and Acceptance Letter to be signed and stamped by owner, consultant and new contractor (In case of applying online)

Consultant and Contractor Replacement
* Appointment and Acceptance Letter to be signed and stamped by owner, consultant and new contractor (In case of applying online)
* Undertaking letter by Consultant
* NOC from old consultant and contractor (In case of applying online)
Note: Replacing Contractor requested to apply for Re-Demarcation Certificate (if applicable)

* Request with NOC from the previous Contractor/ Consultant: AED 500
* Request with undertaking letter from the Owner: AED 2,000
* An additional fees of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction.

* Process Duration of Consultant and Contractor Replacement:2 working days
* Process Duration of Consultant Replacement: 2 working days
* Process Duration of Contractor Replacement: 2 working days
Required Documents for DEWA:
1. Copy of DEWA approved TCL/MD, MDBs/SMDBs etc... schedule (Main project).
2. Load distribution schedules of distribution boards. .
3. Wiring Layouts – Lighting.
4. Wiring Layouts – Power .
5. Landlord NOC ( In DEWA prescribed format).
6. Tenancy Contract + Trade License + Passport Copy.